Data Engineering Drives Efficiency: Malaysian Telco Achieves 100x Faster Data Retrieval

A Malaysian telecommunications leader faced a growing challenge: their existing data lake, burdened by over 600 terabytes of subscriber data, call detail records, and mobile broadband usage information, was struggling to keep pace with their evolving needs. Recognizing the limitations of their aging infrastructure, they embarked on a strategic data engineering project.

The goal? To move their massive dataset to a cutting-edge data warehouse. This next-generation platform promised a significant leap forward in data retrieval efficiency. Imagine analysts retrieving critical customer insights in minutes, compared to the potentially hours or even days it might take with the old system. Additionally, the new data warehouse offered advanced analytics capabilities, empowering the telco to unlock deeper customer understanding and make data-driven decisions with greater confidence.

What Was Done

The data engineering work was a monumental undertaking. Over 6,000 database tables, the backbone of the telco’s data ecosystem, required careful migration to the new data warehouse. This intricate process involved more than 1,000 data transformation scripts, responsible for cleansing and reorganizing the data for optimal analysis. A dedicated team meticulously reviewed, optimized, and migrated these scripts, ensuring the smooth flow of information into the new platform.

The sheer volume of data involved was another significant challenge. The telco’s data lake held a staggering 600 terabytes of information. Migrating this massive dataset required meticulous planning, robust data security measures, and advanced data transfer techniques.

Data engineering transformation: A telco’s journey to a modern data warehouse

Benefits Seen

  • Unleashing the Power of Data: From Hours to Seconds (100x Productivity Boost) – Prior to the migration, retrieving critical customer insights could be a frustratingly slow process, often taking hours. The new data warehouse revolutionized this aspect. Data queries that once took hours to complete can now be executed in mere seconds. This dramatic leap in efficiency empowers analysts to spend less time waiting and more time deriving valuable insights that fuel informed decision-making.
  • Deeper Customer Understanding Drives Retention – Beyond the speed improvements, the advanced analytics capabilities of the new data warehouse enabled powerful new insights into customer behavior and preferences. Leveraging this newfound understanding, the telco launched highly targeted marketing campaigns and personalized offers. The results were impressive, leading to a significant (double digit percentage) increase in customer retention. This translated to a more loyal customer base, increased revenue potential, and a stronger competitive edge in the Malaysian telecom market.

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